Tequila table 1993
24x100 fps. Göteborg 1996, Osnabrück 1998
American floors 1991
A Museum Fill out (american Floors), 1991
up against the wall... 1994
it's all in your head! 1992
3angular, 1995
The Listener, 1995
(time out) 1992
silver, 1992
its all in your head! 1993
(time out), 1992
Goatrans Nidälven, 1997
Goatrans Pacific, 1997
it's all in your head! 1994
det djupa, 1993
Shut up, I'm in love, 1997
buckets, 1991
Goatrans Ulan Bator, 1997
Goatrans Nuqui, 1997